As we approach the end of our Society’s fiscal year 2005/2006, I would like to mention some on the events that took place since our last newsletter and issues arising, and also inform members about the exciting program coming up in March 2006.

“Through the Looking Glass”

The Society’s mid-year CPD event held at Gourmet Cellar turned out to be a rather stylish affair. Dr Irving Boudeville of GSK gave us a glimpse through the looking glass into the future of cervical cancer prevention and Dr Quek Swee Chong took us through a kaleidoscope of wonderful colposcopic images.

While this was going on, the 32 members present were comfortably ensconced in plush armchairs, sipping champagne and nibbling on gourmet hors d’oeuvres. This was followed by a fusion dinner paired with wines. Tasting notes and comments on the wines were delivered by Drs Chua Yang, Jen Shek Wei and Clifton Chan. The most convivial evening was generously sponsored by GSK. Getting CME points is such hard work … … but then who’s complaining?
Some excellent photos of this memorable event are on our website at

KKH Workshop

The Society nominally sponsored a Short Course on Basic and Advanced Colposcopy, & the LEEP and Laser Live Surgery & Hands-on Workshop at the KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital. Organized by Drs Adelina Wong and Quek Swee Chong, the excellent 2-day course was very well attended by 58 participants, 4 from overseas.


Our society’s membership now stands at 115 members. We are delighted to welcome the following as new members:

  • Dr Vicknesh Visvalingam (Seremban Hospital, Malaysia)
  • Dr Kowa Nam Sing, Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre, Singapore

As colposcopy and the study of cervical premalignancy is intimately related to histopathology and cytology, we would like to encourage as many of our pathologist colleagues as possible to join as members of our society and to be involved in our activities. This will provide for a more dynamic and vibrant exchange of knowledge and education, so that practicing colposcopists will gain a better insight into the problems faced by our pathology colleagues and vice versa. This will certainly be true also for our fellow cytotech colleagues. As the people who read and report most of the pap smears we take, the cytotechs have shown an increasing interest in our society’s educational activities. We welcome them, and indeed also our colposcopy nurses and others to join us as Associate Members, and to engage fully in our society’s educational activities. According to our constitution, the council may at its discretion admit associate members who are not medically qualified but whose occupation or interest is concerned with the objectives of the society. Associate members do not participate in general meetings, vote or become office bearers of the society. They will however enjoy the discounts and waivers of registration fees accorded to ordinary members.


Our society’s website is now updated on a monthly basis, to keep its contents fresh and provide everyone with updated information on SCCPS activities. Thanks to Connie and Dr Yeap Min Li, new sections on our past Orators and Annual Courses have been added. Photo albums of CPD events have also been uploaded. Surf to the website to check if you have been caught by the candid camera! We are also planning to upload more educational materials on the website for members’ professional development. The list of registered colposcopists is also useful to the public and if you have any change in practice address, please inform Connie to make the amendments on the website. Any other suggestions to enhance the website will be most welcome.

Institutional Training in Colposcopy

At present, there are 179 colposcopists on the Colposcopy Register, of which, 133 are in private practice. As part of the registration cycle, registered colposcopists are expected to perform at least 30 colposcopies over the 2-year period. Depending on their clientele, some colposcopists in private practice may not be able to achieve the quota of 30 cases over 2 years.

In response to the Society’s request, KKH and the Depts of O&G at SGH and NUH have expressed their willingness to accommodate gynaecologists in private practice who wish to maintain their skills by attending colposcopy sessions at the respective institutions. The Society would like to thank A/Prof EH Tay (CMB, KKH), A/Prof TH Ho (Head Dept of O&G, SGH), and A/Prof PC Wong (Head Dept of O&G, NUH) for their support. Their respective letters of reply to SCCPS are appended. All those who are interested please write directly to the institutions.

2006 Annual Colposcopy Course and Annual Oration

The 11th Annual Course and 12th Annual Oration, 2006 is organized by the Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology NUH, and the venue for the course is the National Cancer Centre Auditorium. The Keynote Speaker and Orator for this year is Professor Alex Ferenczy, renowned Professor of Pathology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the McGill University and Director of Gynecologic Pathology/Cytology at the Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, Canada. This year’s Course will also feature some new faces on the podium and more audience interaction and participation than before. There will be a debate and the always-popular interactive case studies. I have no doubt the 2 days will be an excellent learning opportunity for both practicing and training colposcopists alike.

The 12th Annual Oration & Dinner this year will definitely be a unique experience for most of us as it will be held at the Arts House at the Old Parliament. Built in 1827, it is a unique art and heritage venue. Prof Alex Ferenczy will be speaking on “HPV vaccination: Potential for a Sea Change” in the original Parliamentary Debating Chamber of the Old Parliament. The dinner will be in the Blue Room, which used to be the lounge of the parliamentarians. This will be an occasion not to be missed. Please sign up for the Course and Annual Oration as soon as possible.

We thank Dr Citra Mattar, Chairperson of the organising committee, A/Prof Ilancheran, Advisor and committee members for their untiring efforts in organizing what will certainly be an excellent two-day programme.

14th Annual General Meeting

The Society’s 14th Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 18 March 2006 at 5.30 pm (at the end of the first day of the Annual Course) at the National Cancer Centre Auditorium. I urge all members to support the AGM with your attendance. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to raise any pertinent issue for discussion as well as to nominate and vote in your next Council 2006/2007. Finally, on behalf of SCCPS Council 2005/2006, I thank you for your support in the past year and wish all members a healthy and rewarding 2006.

With my warmest regards

Dr Jeffrey Low
President SCCPS