The society’s latest membership count now stands at 138 and we welcome these 9 new members who have joined us since the last AGM

  • Dr Chan Chi Kiong, Clifton – Singapore Women’s Clinic (Clementi)
  • Dr Chan Leung Kwok, Clement – Hong Kong
  • Dr Goh Wee Ching, Karolyn – Raffles Hospital
  • Dr Elisa Koh – Singapore General Hospital
  • Dr Lee Seong Tuck – Gleneagles Medical Centre
  • Dr Pang Yi Ping, Cindy – Singapore General Hospital
  • Dr Tan Chek Jin, Adrian – Thomson Medical Centre
  • Dr Wee Hock Leh, Dolly – Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre

Another round of re-certification took place in December 2008 and our register now has 126 certified colposcopists. We want to thank Dr Tracey Lim for her work in chairing the CRC.

We look forward to our 14th Annual Colposcopy Course in March 2009. Our special guest and speaker this year is Professor Hextan Ngan from Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong. She is a respected gynaecological oncologist and is the President-Elect of the Asia Oceania research organization of Genital Infections & Neoplasia (AOGIN).
Dr Fong Kah Leng has been the main driving force behind the organizing efforts of the colposcopy course this year. Our 15th Annual Oration Dinner will be held on 28 February 2009 and Professor Ngan will be speaking on “The Future of Colposcopists”.

Here are some of the CME events which the society was involved in the year 2008/2009.

  • “Liquid Based Cytology” on 2 May 2008
  • “ The Human Papillomavirus- Cause of more than just Cervical Cancer”
  • “Immunology of HPV Vaccines – The Facts” on 5 September 2008
  • “Safe Treatment for Cervical Preinvasive Disease” on 14 September 2008, a workshop organized by the National University Hospital

For the past 3 years, the society has continued to support and organize colposcopy workshops in Tamil Nadu, South India in collaboration with Cancer Reduction Programme and the WHO. Another team will be sent this year to help conduct basic and advanced colposcopy workshop with hands-on demonstration for treatment.
The society’s website, has undergone some design changes to make it more attractive and user friendly. I hope this will help improve how we organize information relating to the society’s activities. The register of colposcopists is now on the website and trainees can also obtain the syllabus and information relating to the structured training programme.
We are grateful to Michelle Choy, who with the team from the Orient Explorer, has been providing great secretariat support for the society’s events.
Finally, my personal thanks to each and every SCCPS council member who have been so supportive of the society’s activities.

  • Vice President
    Dr Tracey Lim
  • Secretary
    Dr Fong Kah Leng
  • Treasurer
    Dr Joseph Ng
  • Council Members
    Dr Chew Sung Hock
    Dr Chia Yin Nin
    Dr Janice Chin
    Dr Lee I Wuen
    Dr Jasmine Mohd
    Dr Suresh Nair
    Dr Quek Swee Chong
  • Ex-officio
    Dr Jeffrey Low
Best regards, Lisa Wong