Dear Members of the SCCPS
As we begin the new year 2002/2003, I would like to update you on the Society’s activities.
Incoming Council
The list of the incoming council members elected at our 10th AGM on 31 March 2002 is attached. Dr Chew Sung Hock was co-opted as a council member last year to represent our pathology colleagues, and he will continue to serve in this year’s council.
SCCPS Annual Colposcopy Course 2002
This year’s course was organized by our Society in conjunction with the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, NUH and the Gynaecological Oncology Unit, KKH. It was held on 30-31 March 2002 in the KKH Auditorium. Dr Robert Malcolm Rome from the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne was our keynote speaker. The course this year included a live demonstration session on pin and ball diathermy, LEEP and laser vapourization of the cervix for the treatment of CIN. There were 90 registered participants, and we also had participants from Malaysia, Indonesia and one from Sri Lanka. This year the Society sponsored 8 cytotechnicians for the course with a grant from the Lee Foundation.
The SCCPS would like to thank Dr Khalil Razvi and his organizing committee for their hard work in organizing this successful course, and everyone else who helped out, not forgetting Ms Asma Bevi who provided the secretariat support.
SCCPS 8th Annual Oration
This was delivered by Dr Robert Rome. He shared his experience in developing a cervical cancer screening programme in Victoria, Australia, and gave valuable insight into the potential problems faced in embarking on a nationwide screening programme. His lecture was entitled ‘From Chaos to Order: A Gynaecologist’s Perspective of Organizing a Cervical Screening Programme’. Dr Lam Sian Lian, the CEO of the Health Promotion Board, attended the Annual Oration.
The Society has registered our own domain name Dr Jeffrey Low and his team have done a great job to get our web site going. It is linked to a number of useful web sites including that of the International Federation for Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (IFCPC), American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP), and OGSS.
We are in the process of designing and structuring our web site, and this project is being undertaken by Basic Element. Do visit our web site at and let us know your feed back via email [email protected].
The information and details of colposcopy training and registration will be sent to all registered O&G specialists and trainees in due course.
Management Guidelines for the Abnormal PAP Smear and for Preinvasive Disease of the Cervix for Singapore
The proposed management guidelines formulated by the Workgroup chaired by A/Prof. Ho Tew Hong were presented and discussed on 9 February 2002. The feed back given at this session has been taken into consideration, and the final draft of the guidelines has been submitted to the Health Promotion Board
SCCPS Bid to Host the IFCPC World Congress 2008
The SCCPS has formally submitted a bid to the IFCPC to host the World Congress 2008. The Singapore Tourism Board has been very supportive and a great help in this endeavour. We will be presenting our bid in the coming World Congress 2002 held in Barcelona from 9-13th June.
Please come and attend this Congress in Barcelona to help support our bid! A copy of the announcement and registration form is enclosed. Please also let Salbia know if you will be going for the Congress.
Finally I would like to thank Ms Salbia Ibrahim for being in charge of our Society Secretariat for the past year, and for efficiently updating our records. We are very pleased that she will continue to do so for the coming year!